— Work with me
Individual Therapy
More about Individual Therapy
Having a happy life and harmonious relationships are important goals for most everyone. However, life can throw many obstacles at us that will sometimes make it hard to achieve a healthy balance. If you are struggling with anxiety or depression, or even trying to adjust to a new situation, I can help you navigate your way to your goals. Although people come to individual therapy in order to focus and resolve their personal issues, the bonus is that most find that therapy helps in other areas they had not expected. This is because once you are better able to look at your “blueprint” — or the foundation that was handed to you as a child — you can then use this information to help break the moulds and patterns you no longer want in your life. It’s kind of like navigating a maze and learning to reshape it into a clear path.
Every therapist knows it takes courage to take the first step, especially when you don’t have prior experience with therapy. Contact me and I will be happy to schedule a consultation with you to see how I can be of help.
Choose to be happy!
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I will be happy to arrange for a consultation to see how I can be of help!